Thursday, September 15, 2011


Idea in the house!!! wakakaka very funny

this guy from eco's punished me by 6 marks, three for cover sheet and three for harvard refrencing...but at least i got a few more marks out of the law lecturer.

how did you do on assignments bro?

God - We really need him these days...


I know I have been very vocal in the past about him/her but recently I have realized that God speaks quietly and gently – right into the hearts of mice and men.   I live real close to rhema church.  I look at it to and from work and it’s become an eyesore. Firstly, the fact that the church is named after a man is wrong in the highest degree and secondly – and I say this with all the humility in the world, having a card machine in church also a problem for me. 

Back in the day the church would literally sit at the death bed of a person and make him or her sign their property over to the church as sure fire way to get into heaven, some of these old churches are ridiculously wealthy, in God’s name they buy property, rent vehicles, book flights, erect buildings that out-bling actual commercial entities.  God has a channel.  His word is now available on SMS and whether you wear a hat or believe that the virgin Mary is the way or if you are on team jesus, arms bands, bumper stickers decorative plates on walls… the merchandising opportunities are endless. 
What’s next?  Jesus on a thong, Edible holy spirit underwear or real Holy water, blessed by Pastor from where?
Christianity is a great religion…
Religion is like a franchise these days.
I am just saying guys...


oh by the way welcome ideaology! thanks for contributing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

i didnt know that index and table of contents share 2 marks,,,thats horrible,,,eish terrrible
hie students new IDEA in the house make some noise!!!!!!!!!

Pleez Explain

to my school that when they ask for index - I give them an Index, if they want a table of contents - say so...?